Our jurors

Here are our jurors:


Al-Noor Ladhani


Martin Tirion


Richard van Tilborg


Tomas Sala


Dr.ir. Al-Noor Ladhani
Martin Tirion
Ir.ing. Richard van Tilborg
Tomas Sala, MA


Al-Noor Ladhani
Chairman jurors  Dutch VR Awards 2017

Owner of a number of Internet Companies and invester in Technology Companies.

Also works regulary as Lead Developer in several innovatieve projects.

Al-Noor has been involved in innovatieve projects of many A-brands amongst other AEGON, ABN-AMRO, DE BIJENKORF, DEUTSCHE BANK, HEMA, ING, KPN, PLUS, RENAULT, TOYOTA, VGZ and more. 

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/ladhani


Martin Tirion 

User Experience Evangelist at Microsoft.

Martin Tirion is User Experience Evangelist at Microsoft. In that role he talks about the Microsoft platform and the Microsoft tools that can be used for building applications. He focuses in particular on client technologies, like the Universal Windows Platform and Xamarin. He also talks about AR/VR/MR solutions, like Hololens. And he also advises on implementing a great User Experience. Martin has over 25 years of experience in building applications on various platforms, with a strong passion for user experience.

Twitter:   @mtirion

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/martintirion

Blog:        http://uxblog.com


Richard van Tilborg

Director Ordina SMART

Making innovative concepts/technology applicable for a better society is a driving force is his life. He combines this passion with vision for the future and social/business insight. He started, designed and growth several (innovative) departments within Ordina. In the latest one, Ordina SMART, Virtual Reality is a key driver. Many inspiring, humanistic an B2B VR-cases have been realized. First steps in changing how we work, treat patients and consume experiences.

Besides that, Richard is in the board of advisory for Virtual Reality Netherlands, has founded a growing community of 1000+ members for Machine Learning Netherlands, is Expert Digital innovation at Computable and has is own Radio Program Smart technology at New Business Radio.

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/richardvantilborg


Tomas Sala

Creative Director and co-founder of Little Chicken Game Company

Through his Amsterdam based studio, he has been designing and creating award winning applied and entertainment games since 2001.  

Besides being a founding partner of Little Chicken Game Company, Tomas is also active as a lecturer and currently focused on Little Chicken LAB: a division of Little Chicken for autonomous work in VR and games.

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/tomassala


Method of assessment

Jury members are completely independent in their assessments. They give an assessment on the basis of their professional expertise and experience.

If a jury member is itself directly involved in a submitted project, he will make this known to the other jurors, and he will take a neutral position in the assessment of this project. The factual assessment than is done by the other judges.

Each submission within the same category will receive from each individual juror a number of points. Points are awarded for the concept, the technical realization, the user experience, impact on AR / VR area and the degree of uniqueness.

The winner of each category will be the entry with the most points. If multiple entries have the same most number of points, then the chairman of the jury will decide, after consultation with the other judges, who will be the winner.